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Ebenezer Commercial Works Ltd (ECWL) is an organization that deals with road maintenance and weighbridge management.

ECWL seeks to recruit candidates for the position of Operations and Maintenance Technician. This Position reports to the Technical Supervisor.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Ensure that all equipment at the weighbridge is in working order at all times

  • Ensure that all equipment at the weighbridge is in working order always.

  • Ensure the sites are functioning at minimum downtime and all issues are sorted out within set timelines.
    Ensure maintenance of equipment is scheduled and done in time.
    Report to the Technical Supervisor of all faults and troubleshooting of failures on site.

  • Ensure proper documentation of equipment maintenance and required procedures.
    Ensure proper follow-up with level 2 support for all issues beyond level 1.

  • Teaming up with systems administrators on site to ensure proper integration of system hardware and software.

  • Preparing weekly and monthly technical reports for all weighbridge systems.

  • Ensure system equipment integrity.

Key Qualifications

  • Diploma or Bachelor’s degree in Instrumentation / Electrical & Electronics Engineering or equivalent
  • 1-2 years experience in electronic controls and automation (officers)
  • 2–3 years experience in electronic controls and automation (supervisor)
  • Experience in security systems-CCTV, Access Control (fingerprint readers)
  • Basic experience in networking and network equipment (switches, converters, fibre switches)
  • Well-experienced in the installation & troubleshooting of electrical & electronic equipment.
  • Hands-on knowledge of troubleshooting electrical, electronics, and communications between integrated equipment.
  • Knowledge of traffic control systems and weighbridges would be an added advantage.
  • Working knowledge of network active devices-IP switches, fibre patch panels, servers, and desktop computers.
  • Knowledge of Windows 7 OS and remote desktop.
  • Working & hands-on knowledge of the following components: switching relays, inductive sensors, photoelectric switches, security barrier, traffic lights, IO, load cells, and outdoor display units.
  • Working knowledge of the following electrical components; Relays, MCBs, MCCBs, backup generators, contactors, change-over switches, and UPS.
  • Basic working knowledge of the following security equipment: CCTV cameras & DVRs, IP cameras, and Bio-metric fingerprint readers.

Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and scanned copies of academic and professional certificates to and indicate the applied “Job Title” as the subject line of the email.

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

ECWL is an equal opportunity employer.
Every qualified applicant will be considered for employment

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)